Corbin Louis
Fade in white hot temperature sky drops down
speaker turns on dog barks kid shoots
gun becomes religious symbol T-shaped
music builds up violinists shatter the glass
[but cannot make rent] more machine guns
on screen everyone is putting on lotion
sun too hot beach is abandoned plastic
another gunshot followed by car crash
then three more car crashes virus headline
pan to an image of the american flag pan to
an image of a hardboiled egg teeth sink into
the white flesh of a jesus figure who is home
less jump cut music builds violinists
shiver in the hospital a president figure
jump cut back to a homeless jesus licks
his lips and walks with a pastor who
refills his coke in a 7/11 and then is gunned
down as all the shelves are raided for toilet
paper that night is played on loop wind
nudges a bullet off course which narrowly misses
the cowboy as insects swarm the temple the
narrator speaks: ‘and in the final days everything
will fall and few will rise in a nation on the brink
of’ cut to white male (thirties): ‘let’s get out of here
….’ kicks open a door and lets his flame thrower rip
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